HGS-HIRe Lecture Weeks


Autumn 2024 - Ebernburg Castle

November 2024, Ebernburg Castle in Bad Münster am Stein
Science Field: EURO-LABS (NUSTAR and other FAIR related research fields)
Topic: Open Science and Data Management

Autumn 2024 - Jena

November 2024, HI Jena / FSU Jena
Science Field: APPA (Atomic Physics, Plasma Physics, Biophysics, and Material Science)
Topic: Machine Learning and its applications for APPA research

Spring 2024 - Darmstadt

April 2024, TU Darmstadt
Science Field: Nuclear Structure & Nuclear Astrophysics
Topic: Nuclear Excited States Studied by Proton Scattering with a High-Resolution Magnetic Spectrometer


Autumn 2023 - Rauischholzhausen

October 2023, Rauischholzhausen
Science Field: Hot & Dense Matter
Topic: Critical Phenomena in Strong-Interaction Matter

Winter 2023 - Jena

February/March 2023, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Science Field: APPA (Atomic Physics, Plasma Physics, Biophysics, and Material Science)
Topic: APPA Research @ FAIR: From Fundamentals to Application


October 2021 - Online

October 2021, Online Event
Science Field: Atomic & Laser/Plasma Physics
Topic: Novel applications triggered by modern laser technologies


October 2020 - Online

October 2020, Online Event
Science Field: Atomic & Laser/Plasma Physics
Topic: Prospects of cryogenic detectors and superconduction electronics


December 2019 - Ebernburg Castle

December 2019, Ebernburg Castle, Bad Münster am Stein
Science Field: Nuclear Physics & Astrophysics
Topic: Nucleosynthesis

October 2019 - Laubach

October 2019, Laubach
Science Field: Hadron Physics
Topic: The nature of hyperons and their properties in nuclear matter

September 2019 - Hardehausen

September 2019, Hardehausen
Science Field: Atomic & Laser/Plasma Physics
Topic: Imaging Techniques from the Optical to the X-Ray Regime

June 2019 - Laubach

June 2019, Laubach
Science Field: Accelerator Physics & Technology
Topic: Intensity limitations in ion beams

March 2019 - Manigod

March 2019, Manigod
Science Field: Hot and Dense
Topic: Hard Probes


December 2018 - Kloster Schöntal

December 2018, Kloster Schöntal
Science Field: Nuclear Structure Physics
Topic: Nuclear Photonics

September 2018 - Hütten

September 2018, Hütten
Science Field: Atomic & Laser/Plasma Physics
Topic: Interface between Atomic- and Nuclear Physics

July 2018 - Rolandseck

July 2018, Haus Humboldtstein (Rolandseck)
Science Field: Hadron Physics
Topic: Hadron spectroscopy and the search for unconventional states

June 2018 - Hirschegg/Kleinwalsertal

June 2018, Hirschegg/Kleinwalsertal
Science Field: Hot and Dense Matter
Topic: Electromagnetic Probes

June 2018 - Schmitten

June 2018, Martin-Niemöller-Haus, Schmitten
Science Field: Accelerator Physics
Topic: Stochastic cooling and its RF technologies: from theory to simulation to implementations


December 2017 - Marienburg (Mosel)

December 2017, Marienburg (Mosel)
Science Field: Nuclear Structure Physics
Topic: Nuclear Structure Physics and its Applications in Astrophysics

September 2017 - Willingen

September 2017, Willingen
Science Field: Atomic & Laser/Plasma Physics
Topic: Laser-Particle Acceleration for Basic Research and Ion Therapy

July 2017 - Schmitten

July 2017, Martin-Niemöller-Haus, Schmitten
Science Field: Hadron Physics
Topic: Properties of Hadrons at Finite Temperatures and Densities

May 2017 - Kloster Schöntal

May 2017, Kloster Schöntal
Science Field: Hot and Dense
Topic: Hydrodynamics and Flow

April 2017 - Ebernburg Castle

April 2017, Ebernburg Castle, Bad Münster am Stein
Science Field: Accelerator Physics
Topic: Acceleration of Particles at GSI and FAIR - Chances and Challenges


November 2016 - Waldhaus Laubach

November 2016, Waldhaus, Laubach
Science Field: Nuclear Structure
Topic: Gamma-ray Spectroscopy

October 2016 - Haus Ebersberg

October 2016, Haus Ebersberg, Bad Zwesten
Science Field: Atomic & Laser/Plasma Physics
Topic: Innovative detectors for photons and particles

July 2016 - Schmitten

July 2016, Martin-Niemöller-Haus, Schmitten
Science Field: Accelerator Physics
Topic: First Stages of Accelerating Particles - From the Source into the Accelerator Complex

April 2016 - Ebernburg Castle

April 2016, Ebernburg Castle, Bad Münster am Stein
Science Field: Hadron Physics
Topic: Measuring properties of hadrons with PANDA and on the lattice


September 2015 - Haus Ebersberg

September 2015, Haus Ebersberg
Science Field: Atomic & Laser/Plasma Physics
Topic: (Laser) Spectroscopy of Stored and Trapped Ions

July 2015 - Marienburg

July 2015, Marienburg
Science Field: Accelerator Physics
Topic: Linear Accelerators

June 2015 - Ebernburg

June 2015, Ebernburg
Science Field: Nuclear Structure
Topic: The Structure of Complex Nuclei

May 2015 - Kloster Höchst

May 2015, Kloster Höchst
Science Field: Hadron Physics
Topic: Physics at the Belle and BES Experiments


November 2014 - Buchenau

November 2014, Buchenau
Science Field: Atomic & Laser/Plasma Physics
Topic: X-ray spectroscopy as diagnostic tool in atomic and plasma physics

July 2014 - Ronneburg

July 2014, Ronneburg
Science Field: Accelerator Physics
Topic: Circular Accelerators

July 2014 - Marienburg

July 2014, Marienburg/Mosel River
Science Field: Nuclear Structure Physics
Topic: Measurement and Calculation of Nuclear Masses

June/July 2014 - Schmitten

June/July 2014, Schmitten
Science Field: Biophysics
Topic: Monte Carlo Methods in Biophysics and Cancer Therapy

May 2014 - Marienburg

May 2014, Marienburg/Mosel River
Science Field: Hadron Physics
Topic: In-medium Properties of Hadrons


September 2013 - Vallendar

September 2013, Haus Tabor
Science Field: Accelerator Physics
Topic: Sources and the first steps of acceleration

August 2013 - Ulrichshusen

August 2013, Ulrichshusen Manor
Science Field: Atomic & Plasma Physics
Topic: The Physics of Ultrashort Laser Pulses and Laser Matter Interactions

July 2013 - Laubach

July 2013, Waldhaus Laubach
Science Field: Hadron Physics
Topic: Measuring Properties of Hadrons in Experiments and on the Lattice

June 2013 - Ebernburg

June 2013, Castle Ebernburg
Science Field: Biophysics
Topic: Tumor Therapy - Treatment Planning and Imaging Methods

January 2013 - Manigod

January 2013, Manigod, French Alpes
Science Field: Nuclear Structure & Astrophysics
Topic: Nuclear Structure Physics and its Applications in Astrophysics


November 2012 - Ebernburg

November 2012, Castle Ebernburg
Science Field: Atomic Physics
Topic: Links between Atomic and Plasma Physics

September 2012 - Kloster Höchst

September 2012, Kloster Höchst
Science Field: Accelerator Physics
Topic: Linear Accelerators

July 2012 - Rauischholzhausen

July 2012, Rauischholzhausen
Science Field: Hadron Physics
Topic: Physics at PANDA

June 2012 - Laubach/Vogelsberg

June 2012, Laubach
Science Field: Biophysics
Topic: Interaction of Raditation with Matter

April 2012 - Kloster Höchst

April 2012, Kloster Höchst
Science Field: Nuclear Structure
Topic: Gamma-ray Spectroscopy

February 2012 - Manigod

February 2012, Manigod, French Alpes
Science Field: Hot and Dense Matter
Topic: Aspects of QCD


November 2011 - Kloster Marienburg

November 2011, Kloster Marienburg/Mosel River
Science Field: Atomic Physics
Topic: Precision Experiments with Stored Highly Charged Ions

October 2011 - Cret Berard, Puidoux/Switzerland and CERN

October 2011, Puidoux/Switzerland and CERN
Science Field: Accelerator Physics
Topic: Accelerator Physics - Overview

Spring 2011 - Kloster Schöntal

March 2011, Kloster Schöntal
Science Field: Nuclear Structure
Topic: Shell Structure of Complex Nuclei


Fall 2010 - Kloster Höchst

November/December 2010, Kloster Höchst
Science Field: Atomic Physics
Topic: The Physics of Strong Coulomb Fields

Winter 2010 - Rauischholzhausen

January 2010, Rauischholzhausen
Science Field: Nuclear Structure
Topic: Nuclear Structure - Overview

Winter 2010 - Manigod

January 2010, Manigod, French Alpes
Science Field: Hot and Dense Matter
Topic: Chiral Symmetry
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