Joint CRC 1245 & HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Nuclear Physics (detailed topic given below) - November 2024 - TU Darmstadt


November 20-22, 2024


Algebraic models in quantum mechanics: Atomic, molecular, nuclear, and subnuclear physics


Prof. Lorenzo Fortunato (University of Padua, Italy)


Maike Beuschlein (TU Darmstadt / CRC 1245)
Finia Jost (TU Darmstadt / CRC 1245)


A preliminary agenda and schedule is provided in the pdf file below. If you need further information, please contact HGS-HIRe by e-mail to info[AT]

>Agenda/Schedule (pdf)

Please register via the external registration form provided by the CRC 1245 coordinators as soon as possible!

>Registration (external link)

Practical Information


The lecture week starts on Wednesday, November 20, at 9:00 and ends on Friday, November 22, at about 12:30 (see detailed agenda/schedule above).


The lecture week will take place as a face-to-face event at the TU Darmstadt. Please note, that the lectures and exercises of the first day take place in the Lecture Hall Theory (S2|11, Room 10) whereas the lectures and exercises of the second and third day take place in the Lecture Hall ULB (S1|20, basement, next to Lesbar).
Further information can be found at the CRC 1245 website >.


Please arrange for individual travel to the location.

What to bring

For the exercises, Mathematica will be used. Participants should bring their laptop with Mathematica installed if possible.


Individual travel costs, if necessary, will be reimbursed by HGS-HIRe independent of your individual HGS-HIRe travel budget after your participation in the lecture week. Please contact HGS-HIRe by e-mail to info[AT] in advance to get detailed information about the corresponding procedure and reimbursement form.


Though this trip will not generate any costs for your supervisor or group please do not forget to file a trip request so you are covered by insurance during the lecture week. Please ask the secretary of your official supervisor at the university for the appropriate form.
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