Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research

Upcoming Event

HGS-HIRe Contact & Information Session
October 16, 14:00,
Online (Zoom)

Upcoming Event

Upcoming Event

Info: Doctoral Funding

The Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research "HGS-HIRe for FAIR" is a joint endeavor of the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, the universities at Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Giessen, Heidelberg and Mainz together with FIAS to promote and support structured PhD education for research associated with GSI and FAIR.

News - November 28, 2023

HGS-HIRe Power Week - The Basics of C++ Programming

This HGS-HIRe Power Week on C++ Programming has been initiated by the HGS-HIRe & GSI Doctoral Representatives. The training event, dedicated to introduce the different styles of programming supported by the C++ programming language, will take place at Ebernburg Castle from January 29 till February 2, 2024.
News - August 15, 2023

HGS-HIRe Power Week - Silicon Pixel Detectors

A HGS-HIRe Power Week on "Silicon Pixel Detectors" will be organized in Castle Rauischholzhausen, November 6-10, 2023.
News - August 15, 2023

Joint CRC-TR 211 & HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Critical Phenomena in Strong-Interaction Matter

A joint CRC-TR 211 & HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on "Critical Phenomena in Strong-Interaction Matter" will be held in Castle Rauischholzhausen, October 9-13, 2023.
News - August 15, 2023

HGS-HIRe Softskills

Several HGS-HIRe softskill courses are organized over the course of the year. Courses are either face-to-face or offered in a virtual version.
News - May 1, 2023

HGS-HIRe Summer Student Program 2023

The summer student program 2023 at GSI is co-organized again by HGS-HIRe. Undergraduate students will come to GSI for the summer to work on a small research project and to participate in a special lecture program. Details

News Archive Previous Years

Older news can be found here.
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