Is HGS-HIRe sponsoring any working contracts or scholarships for doctoral students?

No, sorry, HGS-HIRe is focused only on doctoral training and supporting our participants with administrative procedures.

Why do I have to apply at HGS-HIRe when I want to get certain working contracts or scholarships?

HGS-HIRe is helping with the organization of funding for doctoral projects financed by means of GSI-FAIR and HIC-for-FAIR. Both our partners regard structured doctoral education very high and want to make sure that all doctoral students paid by them are part of HGS-HIRe and benefit from our program. To make life easier for you and your supervisor we help and support you during the cumbersome journey through the administrative jungle. Behind the scenes we try to make sure that your applications approach fast and hopefully successful and take all hurdles. The way it is organized, applying at HGS-HIRe is the first step in the chain to get funding from GSI-FAIR or HIC-for-FAIR sources.

Is HGS-HIRe deciding who is getting funding from the HGS-HIRe funding partners?

No, we are not making the decision. This is decided by our funding partners. Being a participant in HGS-HIRe is a mandatory requirement to obtain doctoral funding from these sources, however. We only check if your academic and scientific background is sound and if your research is fitting the research fields of GSI-FAIR.

Is HGS-HIRe deciding who get's a working contract or a scholarship?

No, we have no influence on the funding type at all. This needs to be agreed on between the doctoral student, the supervisor and the responsible for the funding organization at GSI-FAIR, the partner universities or HIC-for-FAIR.

Is HGS-HIRe having a preference for working contracts or scholarships?

No, we have no preference. What ever fit's for you better is fine with us. We are happy when you have doctoral funding at all. As GSI-FAIR and HIC-for-FAIR are aiming that all doctoral students financed by their financial means (GSI-FAIR resp. HIC-for-FAIR) are part of HGS-HIRe it does not make a difference for us anyway.

Do I need to participate in the HGS-HIRe program if I receive funding from the HGS-HIRe funding partners?

This is a sad question. If you really do not want to participate in the program and do not participate in any lecture weeks, softskill seminars or do not want any travel money from us and just think 'I'm fine, don't spend money for me' please talk to us. In most cases this is acceptable and we can change your participantship into an 'associated participantship'. In this case you do not need to do anything that costs us money but only need to participate in the semi-annual PhD-committee meetings as this is a mandatory requirement by our funding partners to track the progress of the doctoral project (in addition we believe it is extremely helpful and useful for yourself as well).

Do I loose my contract or scholarship if I do not participate in lecture weeks or softskill seminars?

No, you don't. The answer is related to our answer to the question above. Just talk to us and we can see what we can do. We really don't want to force you into anything where we invest money in your training if you do not want to benefit from it. In some cases it might be that our funding partners have a more strict opinion on this, but let us know and we will see what we can negotiate for you.

Can I be participant in HGS-HIRe even when I do not get funding from the HGS-HIRe funding partners?

Yes, all doctoral students who work in the research fields of GSI-FAIR can apply for a full participantship in HGS-HIRe independently of their funding.

Can I be a participant in HGS-HIRe even when I am not from the main partner universities in Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Giessen, Heidelberg or Mainz?

Yes, you are very welcome to apply for participation in our program if you are working in the research fields of GSI-FAIR.

Does my participantship in HGS-HIRe end if my funding from the HGS-HIRe funding partners ends?

No, not at all. Your HGS-HIRe participantship ends once you graduate.

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