September 2019: Joint HGS-HIRe & RS-APS Lecture Week on Atomic and Laser/Plasma Physics (Photo by G. Burau)

The 7th Joint HGS-HIRe and RS-APS Lecture Week on Atomic and Laser/Plasma Physics, that took place in Hardehausen on September 23-27, has been dedicated to imaging techniques from the optical to the X-ray regime. Stimulated by the picturesque location, a former abbey, the lecturers Christian Eggeling (FSU Jena), Silvio Fuchs (HI Jena), Tatiana Latychevskaia (Paul Scherrer Institut) and Gerd Schneider (HZ Berlin) gave a broad and informative overview of this topic. Presentations by the participating students on their research projects complemented this scientific training event. Thanks a lot to all participants for the strong support and enthusiasm during the week! Details

June 2019: HGS-HIRe Power Week Big Data I (Photo by S. Wenzel)

In a HGS-HIRe power week on efficient programming (I) in June 2019 HGS-HIRe participants improved their technical skills on efficient programming and the analysis of large data sets. Under the guidance of Sandro Wenzel (CERN), Mikolaj Krzewicki (FIAS) and Patrick Huhn (U. Frankfurt) the participants met for a five day workshop in Limburg, to learn about e.g. profilers, code development tools or vectorisation. Details

June 2019: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Accelerator Physics & Technology (Photo by N. Rühl)

This year's HGS-HIRe lecture week on accelerator physics and technology addressed the topic "Intensity limitations in ion beams" with focus on FAIR accelerators and LHC upgrades. Ingo Hofmann (GSI-FAIR), Elias Metral (CERN) and Giovanni Rumolo (CERN) contributed the corresponding lectures and tutorial material with particular emphasis on physical aspects like beam dynamics, space charge, impedances, lifetimes, etc., as well as technical 'remedies' like collimators, feedback systems, automatic (AI) machine setting. All participants made use of this nice opportunity to meet, discuss with and learn a lot from these experts and, last but not least, to enjoy a couple of nice summer's evenings in the pleasant atmosphere of the venue in Laubach. Details

March 2019: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Hot and Dense Matter (Photo by P. Di Nezza)

The topic of this year's HGS-HIRe lecture week in the scientific field of hot and dense matter was "Hard Probes in Heavy Ion Collisions". The lecture week was held in Manigod in the French alps in March 2019. The topic was discussed by Marco van Leeuwen (Nikef), Martin Spousta (Charles University, Prague) and Leticia Cunqueiro Mendes (ORNL). An exciting mixture of lectures, participant talks and group work sessions initiated lively physics discussions. The mountain environment, french food and good skiing conditions added to a pleasant and motivating working atmosphere. Details

December 2018: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Nuclear Structure Physics (Photo by G. Burau)

The topic of this lecture week on nuclear structure physics was 'Nuclear Photonics', a cross-disciplinary topic addressing and combining various aspects of nuclear physics, laser and accelerator physics and technology. The event was organized in cooperation with colleagues from TU Darmstadt working on these fields of research. Although the program of lectures, presentations by the participants and group work was challenging, there was still time to enjoy the picturesque and pre-Christmasly decorated places of Kloster Schöntal, an old former monastery which maintained its baroque style and ambience. Details

October 2018: HGS-HIRe Graduate Day (Photo by H. Büsching)

The HGS-HIRe Graduate Day 2018 in Bad Homburg on October 30 celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research (HGS-HIRe for FAIR). The broad range of doctoral projects conducted by participants of the graduate school was reflected by a variety of scientific talks presented by the participants of HGS-HIRe. A plenary talk by Prof. Mei Bai (GSI-FAIR) on "The Challenging FAIR Project" complemented the scientific program of the event, the traditional reception and "HIRe Feier" in the evening completed it. Details

October 2018: HGS-HIRe Power Week Big Data II (Photo by J. Wiechula)

The focus of the power week on efficient programming (advanced) was on code development and optimization for distributed systems. The agenda of this training event included the discussion of efficient data serialization and data exchange using message queues. Although this advanced power week offered some introductory lectures, most of the time has been spent by the enthusiastically participating students on hands-on sessions working together in small groups. Details

September 2018: HGS-HIRe & RS-APS Lecture Week on Atomic & Laser/Plasma Physics (Photo by G. Burau)

The 6th Joint HGS-HIRe and RS-APS Lecture Week on Atomic and Laser/Plasma Physics addressed the interface and interplay between atomic physics and nuclear physics. Hosted by the "Jugendbildungsstätte Hütten" with its stimulating atmosphere, Carsten Brandau (U Giessen), Sven Bernitt (U Heidelberg), Andrey Volotka (HI Jena) and the participating students discussed together various aspects of this crossdisciplinary topic. Thanks to the enthusiasm of all participants and an impressive visit of a storage power station during our social activity, this event continues the very successful series of lecture weeks jointly organized by the Research School of Advanced Photon Science at the Helmholtz Institute Jena and the Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research - the graduate school of GSI-FAIR. Details

July 2018: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Hadron Physics (Photo by G. Burau)

This year's HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Hadron Physics took place on July 23-27. In the pleasant atmosphere of 'Haus Humboldtstein' in Remagen, with a picturesque view of the river Rhine, the participants got an introduction to and a broad overview of hadron spectroscopy - a powerful tool to investigate the nature of the strong interaction. Marco Battaglieri (INFN Frascati) addressed in his lectures amongst others a new generation of electron- and photo-production experiments. Francesco Giacosa (University of Kielce) presented theoretical descriptions of particularly unconventional states like glueballs, hybrids and multi quark states. Details

June 2018: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Electromagnetic Probes (Photo by C. Scheiwiller)

Electromagnetic Probes in Heavy Ion Collisions was the topic of a HGS-HIRe Lecture Week in the Söllerhaus in Hirschegg in the Kleinwalsertal from June 24-29 this year. The topic was discussed in theory and experiment by the lecturers Friederike Bock (CERN), Torsten Dahms (München) and Hendrick van Hees (Frankfurt). A vivid mixture of lectures, participant talks and group work sessions initiated lively physics discussions. The mountain environment and joint sessions following the FIFA world cup in the evenings added to a pleasant and motivating working atmosphere. Details

June 2018: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Accelerator Physics and Technology (Photo by G. Burau)

In the pleasant atmosphere of the Martin-Niemöller-Haus in Schmitten (Taunus), lecturers from CERN and GSI-FAIR shared and lively discussed their broad expert's knowledge on various beam cooling aspects with an enthusiastic group of participants. A particular emphasis of the scientific lecture program was Stochastic Cooling and its RF technologies - from theory to physical and technical implementations - a sophisticated method, for whose development Simon van der Meer had been awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1984. Beside addressing accelerator physics and technology, there was time to explore the big and small 'Feldberg' within a relaxing walking-tour too. Altogether great fun! Details
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