HGS-HIRe Power Week on C++ Programming - Winter 2024 - Ebernburg Castle

(Photo by G. Burau / HGS-HIRe)

Please note:

This power week has been jointly organized together with the HGS-HIRe & GSI Doctoral Representatives.


January 29 - February 2, 2024


The Basics of C++ Programming


Carlo Battilana (INFN / U Bologna)
Francesco Giacomini (INFN-CNAF)
Simone Rossi Tisbeni (INFN / U Bologna)

Organizers & Coordinators

Jannik Petersen (HI Mainz & U Mainz)
Christian Sürder (GSI & TU Darmstadt)
Yannic Wolf (GSI & U Frankfurt)
Gerhard Burau (HGS-HIRe)

Course Information

Thematic focus

This course is an introduction to the different styles of programming supported by the C++ language: procedural, data abstraction, generic and object orientation. Elements of operating systems, computer architecture and software engineering will be introduced as needed.


Some experience with a terminal is advantageous and some very basic knowledge of a programming language, too. For instance, you should know how to init variables, how a 'for' and 'while' loop, 'if' and 'else' conditions work. Furthermore, you should have a basic knowledge of datatypes and classes, how inheritance works, and how to call functions from the std.

What to bring

Please bring your own laptop with a recent installation of Linux, Windows or MacOs on it, and have a working editor at hand. A guide with some instructions to prepare your Linux, Windows or macOS working environment in advance has been prepared by the lecturers/tutors and has been sent by e-mail to all registered participants in due time before the power week.


A more detailed schedule will be announced by the tutors on the first day of the course and possibly adapted to the daily requirements during the power week.

Monday (January 29, 2024):

11:00 - Start of the first lecture

Tuesday (January 30, 2024) - Thursday (February 1, 2024):

All day - Educational sessions and hands-on excercises

Friday (February 2, 2024):

~15:00 - End of the course

Practical Information


Registration is simply done by email to info[AT]hgs-hire.de.


The power week starts with a brief welcome and introduction session on Monday, January 29, 2024, at 12:00. Please try to arrive well in time. The power week will close on Friday afternoon around 15:00.

Late arrivals

If you will arrive late please contact the coordinators by e-mail in advance.


The power week will take place as a face-to-face event at Ebernburg Castle / Evangelische Familienferien- und Bildungsstätte Ebernburg >, D-55583 Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg.
Directions can be found here >.


Please arrange your travel to/from the venue individually by public transport (train & bus) or by carpool.

Unfortunately, travel options to Bad Münster am Stein using trains are unclear due to the current strike at Deutsche Bahn. According to the current 'emergency timetable' of Deutsche Bahn and depending on your place of departure, few train connections to Bad Münster am Stein are announced as operating. However, whether this will really be the case on Monday is unfortunately uncertain. Concerning the strike, Deutsche Bahn generally ask all passengers to check their connection 24 hours before departure and refers to further information at bahn.de/aktuell.

If there are any difficulties from your direction of travel foreseeable, we recommend - if possible - that you travel individually by car/carpool. In order to coordinate possible carpooling opportunities among yourselves, the e-mail addresses of all participants have been distributed. So, if somebody want to offer a lift, please feel free to announce and arrange it using the distributed e-mail addresses.


Accommodation at the venue is mostly in twin bed rooms and has been booked for all registered participants and the lecturers/tutors.


Special food requirements (vegetarian, other) should be communicated to the coordinators in advance. If so, corresponding requests have been forwarded to the local kitchen team.
Full board is included in the power week.

What to bring additionally

Clothing: The power week will be very informal, so only casual attire is necessary. Please plan for an outdoor social activity (depending on weather).
Linen/towel/others: All rooms have linen and towels, no need to bring them. Please bring your soap and hair dryer (if needed).


Wireless internet access is available. Please bring your own laptop (see comments above).


All basic expenses including accommodation are covered by HGS-HIRe. All meals are included. You only have to pay for local expenses, e.g., drinks etc. in the evening.


Though this trip will not generate any costs for your supervisor or group please do not forget to file a trip request so you are covered by insurance during the power week. Please ask the secretary of your working group at the university or at GSI / HI Jena / HI Mainz for the appropriate form.

Participants (max. 24)

For privacy reasons we cannot display the list of participants here.
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