November 14-16, 2022
Machine Learning Workshop
Lecturers / Tutors
Hannah Bossi (Yale University)
Mario Krüger, Matthias Kleiner, Joshua König (GU Frankfurt)
Henner Büsching (HGS-HIRe)
Course Information
Course Contents/Program
In this HGS-HIRe Participant Education Project we will focus on Machine Learning (ML) which
is widely used in data science. In addition to the basics of ML, real-world use cases and
hands-on sessions are foreseen. An introduction to ML tools such as scikit-learn, Keras,
TensorFlow, and ONNX will be provided to offer participants insight into relevant ML tools.
The exercises will be based on Python.
The HGS-HIRe PEP is targeted at an audience of doctoral students interested in the topic and
advanced undergraduate students. The focus of the PEP is strongly on educational aspects to
enhance the research toolbox of the participants rather than on a scientific discussion about
the results and outcomes of the analyses.
This three-day workshop will consist of a mixture of lectures and hands-on sessions (see description above).
Monday (Nov 14)
14:00-18:00 | Workshop |
Tuesday (Nov 15)
10:00-17:30 | Workshop |
Wednesday (Nov 16)
10:00-17:30 | Workshop |
17:30 | HGS-Hire Perspectives |
Participants of the HGS-HIRe Participant Education Project are especially encouraged to participate in the
HGS-HIRe Perspectives event on the last afternoon of the workshop.
Practical Information
Registration is done via email to one of the organizers mkrueger[at]
The program of the PEP starts with a welcome and introduction session on Monday, 14:00.
Please arrive well in time. The PEP will close on Wednesday late afternoon.
Late arrivals
If you will arrive late please contact the organizers in advance.
The PEP will be held at FIAS, Ruth-Moufang-Str.1, 60438 Frankfurt, Room 0.200
Please arrange for individual travel to the location. If you arrive by public transport:
The closest U-Bahn (subway) station is "Uni Campus Riedberg". You can find a more detailed description
to get to the venue
If accomodation in Frankfurt is needed, we can help
to organize accomodation on an individual basis. Please let the organizer and coordinator know in advance.
Refreshments, i.e. mineral water / soft drinks and snacks, will be provided during the
workshop. Meals, e.g. lunch, are not included in the pep. The university cafeteria is
in walking distance to the venue and will function as the workshop's lunch spot.
What to bring
Clothing: The PEP will be very informal, so only casual attire is necessary.
Software/Laptop: Please bring your own laptop.
Preferably please already try to install the following software that will be used in the hands-on sessions:
- python 3 with modules numpy, tensorflow, sklearn, matplotlib, uproot, awkward, jupyter-notebook and pytorch.
Wireless internet access is available.
All basic expenses are covered by HGS-HIRe. There is no registration fee.
Participants at the PEP have to pay for their meals and accomodation by themselves.
Please do not forget to file a trip request if necessary so you are covered by insurance during the PEP.
For privacy reasons we cannot display the list of participants right now.