

Travel to conferences

Travel Reimbursement Request

For participants of HGS-HIRe who request funding for a conference or workshop. This form has to be filed before the trip.

Note that in addition to this form travelers may have to file a trip request with their home institute to have insurance coverage during the trip.

An electronic form is now available in the HGS-HIRe Self Service Center in the internal area for HGS-HIRe participants. Please do not use the old paper form any longer.

Travel Expense Report

For participants of HGS-HIRe who request a refund for expenses connected to travel activity to conferences or workshops. This form has to be filed after the trip.

The form needs to be submitted together with the original receipts. Note: Please indicate the number of meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) that were included in the hotel bill or conference fee or provided by third party. Please do not staple the receipts together, but stick them on a A4 paper sheet.

Other forms

Expense Coverage Request

The form should be used to claim reimbursements on expenses directly connected to HGS-HIRe events.

Reimbursements should be cleared by the coordinator in advance.

Protocol PhD-Committee Meeting

The form should be used for the protocol of the semi anual meetings of the HGS-HIRe PhD-committees. The protocol has to be submitted to HGS-HIRe, preferably the original by post or a scan (pdf) by email. Important note: In case you want to send the protocol by email, please make sure to submit it as one package together with the confirmations of all committee members attached, i.e. as one email or pdf file including all necessary confirmations / (electronic) signatures!

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