"Take some time away from home..."


Within the HGS-HIRe Abroad program participants can file a research proposal for a research stay abroad for a period of one to three months. The research stay must be a natural part of the thesis project and can only be conducted at institutions that are already collaborating with the home institution / local working group of the applicant. Furthermore, only one HGS-HIRe Abroad grant can be approved per participantship in HGS-HIRe.

A limited number of HGS-HIRe Abroad grants is awarded in a competitive process several times per year.

If you are interested to apply for one of the HGS-HIRe Abroad grants please electronically submit a short research plan (2-4 pages) together with supporting letters by your local supervisor and foreign host supervisor together with a rough cost estimate by e-mail to info[at]hgs-hire.de. The deadlines for applications this year are
March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31, 2025.

Grant coverage includes a per diem appropriate for the host country (according to DAAD rules) plus travel costs. The maximimum grant coverage is:

  • 2000 Euros for a research stay of one month
  • 3000 Euros for a research stay of two months
  • 4000 Euros for a research stay of three months
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