November 6-10, 2023
Hands-on experience with state- of-the-art silicon pixel detectors
Jochen Klein (CERN)
Magnus Mager (CERN)
Henner Büsching (HGS-HIRe)
Course Information
Lecture Content
- principles of particle detection with semi-conductors
- energy loss and deposit
- charge mobility and collection
- multiple scattering
- type of front-end electronics
- variants of silicon particle detectors
- hybrid sensors
- monolithic CMOS sensors
- examples of recent applications at LHC
- focus on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS)
- readout concepts for silicon sensors
- reconstruction
- clusterisation
- tracking
- vertexing
Laboratory Project
- assembly of a MAPS-based telescope for cosmic ray measurements
- using detector modules of the ALICE Inner Tracking System (as currently in use at LHC)
- data acquisition
- low-level communication with sensors, implementation of readout software
- characterisation of sensors
- noise floor
- threshold dispersions
- reconstruction
- clustering (shape analysis)
- tracking
- efficiency measurements
- basic knowledge of particle detectors
- interest in silicon sensors
- basic knowledge of C(++) and python
What to bring
Please bring your own laptop.
Practical Information
Registration is done via email to
The scientific program of the power week starts with the first lecture on Monday, November 6, at 11:00.
Please arrive well in time, preferably not later that 10:30. The power week will close on Friday afternoon
around 15:00.
Late arrivals
If you will arrive late please contact the coordinator in advance.
The power week will take place as a face-to-face event at Schloss Rauischholzhausen. The address is: Schloss Rauischholzhausen, Schloßpark 1, D-35085 Ebsdorfergrund.
More information can be found
google maps 
Please arrange your travel to/from the venue individually by public transport (train & bus) or by car pool.
Please make sure to arrive well in time.
If somebody want to offer a lift, please contact the other
participants of the power week via the communicated mailing list.
In order to travel to the venue by public transport, the most common train destination is Marburg (Lahn).
There is a public bus connection from Marburg (Lahn) Südbahnhof to the venue.
Just take the bus line 80 in the direction "Stadtallenallendorf-Schweinsberg" to "Rauischholzhausen (Potsdamer Straße)".
More details are given on the website of the venue.
Alternatively to the public bus, you can take a shared taxi from Marburg.
In case you plan to travel by car pool, best check the recommendations on the mentioned
website, too.
Accommodation at the venue is mostly in twin bed rooms and has been booked for all registered participants.
Special food requirements (vegetarian, other) should be communicated to the coordinator in advance.
Full board is included in the power week.
What to bring additionally
Clothing: The power week will be very informal, so only casual attire is necessary.
Linen/towel/others: All rooms have linen and towels, no need to bring them.
Shower gel, shampoo and hair dryers are not provided.
Wireless internet access is available. Please don't forget to bring your own laptop!
All basic expenses including accommodation are covered by HGS-HIRe.
All meals are included.
You only have to pay for local expenses, e.g., drinks etc. in the evening.
Though this trip will not generate any costs for your supervisor or group please
do not forget to file a trip request so you are covered by insurance during the
power week. Please ask the secretary of your official supervisor at the university
for the appropriate form.
Participants (max. 16)
For privacy reasons we cannot display the list of participants here.