HGS-HIRe PEP 18-1: Analysis Techniques for Analyses of Neutral Mesons in Heavy Ion Collisions


January 8-12, 2018


Analysis Techniques for Analyses of Neutral Mesons in Heavy Ion Collisions


Dr. Friederike Bock (CERN)
Daniel Mühlheim (U. Münster)
Mike Sas (U. Utrecht)
Nicolas Schmidt (ORNL)


Fabian Pliquett (Chair)
Mario Krüger
Patrick Huhn


Henner Büsching (HGS-HIRe)

Course Information

Course Contents/Program

The HGS-HIRe Participant Education Project will focus on didactical and hands-on-trainings to conduct, optimize and streamline analyses of the production of neutral mesons and direct photons in experiments measuring collisions of heavy ions. The training sessions will facilitate state-of-the-art methods and computational components in use at the CERN-LHC experiments. The HGS-HIRe PEP is targeted at an audience of doctoral students interested in the topic and advanced undergraduate students. The focus of the PEP is strongly on educational aspects to enhance the research toolbox of the participants rather than on a scientific discussion about the results and outcomes of the analyses.



Monday (Jan 8)
10:15Introduction to the program of the day
13:00Group/Individual Work on the project

Tuesday (Jan 9) - Thursday (Jan 11)
9:00Introduction to the program of the day
13:00Group/Individual Work on the project

Friday (Jan 12)
9:00Introduction to the program of the day
13:00Group/Individual Work on the project
16:00End of Program

Practical Information


Registration is done via email to the organizer fpliquett--at--uni-frankfurt.de .


The scientific program of the PEP starts with a welcome and introduction session on Monday morning at 10:00. Please arrive well in time. The PEP will close on Friday late afternoon.

Late arrivals

If you will arrive late please contact the organizers in advance.


The PEP will be held at FIAS, Ruth-Moufang-Str.1, 60438 Frankfurt, Room 0.200


Please arrange for individual travel to the location. If you arrive by public transport: The closest U-Bahn (subway) station is "Uni Campus Riedberg". You can find a more detailed description to get to the venue >here.


We can help tp organize accomodation if necessary. Please let the organizers know in advance.


Meals at the PEP are not included in the program. The university cafeteria is in walking distance to the venue and will function as the workshop's lunch spot.

What to bring

Clothing: January in Frankfurt might be wet and cold. Please prepare accordingly. The PEP will be very informal, so only casual attire is necessary.


Wireless internet access is available. Please bring your own laptop.


All basic expenses are covered by HGS-HIRe. There is no registration fee. Participants at the PEP have to pay for their meals and accomodation by themselves.


Please do not forget to file a trip request so you are covered by insurance during the PEP.


For privacy reasons we cannot display the list of participants right now.
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