Funding Rates

HGS-HIRe is providing administrative help, support and advise to give participants and supervisors easier access to funding for the doctoral projects from various funding partners we are working with. This includes common standards and a common framework for application and reporting.

Depending on the funding program regular working contracts as well as scholarships might be available.

HGS-HIRe is not deciding about granting funding or the way of funding. There are no HGS-HIRe doctoral positions or HGS-HIRe scholarships. Based on agreements with our funding partners, participantship in HGS-HIRe might be a prerequisit to obtain doctoral funding from these sources, however.

In case funding from our funding partners is sought, supervisors together with particiants and funding partners should agree on available and adequate ways of funding of the doctoral project before the application at HGS-HIRe is started.

Regular Working contracts for Doctoral candidates

Both the gross,i.e. pre-tax, pre-social-security, income as well as net income vary depending on the agreed working time and payment category as well as on the personal situation. Therefore no payment rates can be given here. Please consult one of the various web services with overview tables or the human resource department in charge.

Scholarships for Doctoral candidates

Together with our funding partners HGS-HIRe agreed on common scholarship rates for doctoral scholarships from these sources.
base scholarship 1447 Euro
general supplementstravel and material103 Euro
health insurancemax 120 Euro
family supplement 154 Euro
child supplement1 child < 12 years154 Euro
2 children < 12 years205 Euro
3+ children < 12 years256 Euro


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