Welcome to step one of the application process for H-QM: The registration.

We will review your registration based on the information you provide and contact you with further questions and information.

If you have technical problems with the registration please contact info@hgs-hire.de

Please use the following form to register:

Part 1: Personal Information

Personal Data

My last name:
My first name:
My middle name: *
My gender: male female
My date of birth:
My place of birth (city):
My place of birth (country):
My citizenship:

Address Data

My email address:
My street and house number:
My city:
My postal code:
My country:
My telephone number: *
My telefax number: *
* = this information is optional

Part 2: Previous Education

Bachelor Degree

I hold a bachelor degree: yes no
If 'Yes' is specified all fields in this block must be filled out.
Major field(s) of study
Degree was awarded:
Title of thesis

Master Degree

I hold a master degree: yes no
If 'Yes' is specified all fields in this block must be filled out.
Major field(s) of study
Degree was awarded:
Title of thesis

Diploma Degree

I hold a diploma degree: yes no
If 'Yes' is specified all fields in this block must be filled out.
Major field(s) of study
Degree was awarded:
Title of thesis

Other Degree

I hold another degree: yes no
If 'Yes' is specified all fields in this block must be filled out.
Major field(s) of study
Degree was awarded:
Title of thesis


My highest academic degree is
a bachelor degree

This summary should be supported
by the detailed information above

a master degree
a diploma degree
a different degree
I don't have an academic degree, yet

Part 3: Current Situation

If you are currently - working on your diploma/master/bachelor thesis to obtain a degree so you can start a PhD
- already working on a PhD project
please complete the applicable blocks in this part.

Qualifying Studies

I am currently working on my thesis to obtain a degree so I can start my PhD.
yes no
If 'Yes' is specified all fields in this block must be filled out.
Field of study
Title of thesis
Type of thesis: bachelor thesis
master thesis
diploma thesis
Degree expected:
University: Technische Universität Darmstadt
Goethe Universität Frankfurt

Doctoral Studies

I already started as a PhD student
yes no
If 'Yes' is specified all fields in this block must be filled out.
Field of study
Working title of thesis
Starting date:
University: Technische Universität Darmstadt
Goethe Universität Frankfurt

Part 4: My Application

Type of application

I would like to apply to participate in the program of the school
to participate in the program of the school and to receive a scholarship.
My PhD Project: I plan to continue with the PhD project as stated in Part 3.
yes no I did not start, yet
My Supervisor: Skip this question if you answered the previous question with 'Yes':
I am already in contact with a specific supervisor.
Name of Supervisor:
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Goethe Universität Frankfurt

Part 5: Miscellaneous

I learned about H-QM via the Internet
a poster or flyer
friends or colleagues
a professor
a university
journals or newspapers

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